Vivek Kotecha

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Vivek Kotecha

Vivek was CHPI's Research Manager from 2016 to 2020 ─ leading on a number of high-profile projects in this time. Before coming to CHPI he worked as a manager in Monitor and NHS Improvement analysing and reporting on the operational and financial performance of the provider sector. Prior to that he worked as a management consultant at Deloitte for 4 years.See all posts by Vivek Kotecha

The financial assumptions underpinning the Government’s plans to close the NHS’s 30-billion-pound funding gap by 2020/21 are unrealistic and are likely to lead to a decline in the quality of and access to healthcare for patients. Subsequently there is a growing risk that that some vital services will collapse.

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The past 20 years have been trying ones for Santa Claus and the National Elf Service. The decision to split the purchasing of presents from their delivery was meant to improve efficiency, but he’s been having second thoughts…

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