- Accountability 4
- Availability 1
- Care home 2
- Competition 1
- Conflicts of Interest 1
- Conflicts of interest in Healthcare 3
- Contracting 5
- Covid-19 4
- DHSC 1
- Governance 1
- Government’s response to the COVID 19 pandemic 3
- Healthcare Fraud 2
- Inflation 1
- Joint venture 1
- Marketisation 5
- NHS & Social Care Funding 4
- NHS Trusts 1
- OHID 1
- PFI 3
- PHE 1
- Pandemic 1
- Patient Safety 1
- Patient Safety in Private Hospitals 4
- Patient involvement 2
- Preparing for a pandemic 2
- Private Finance Initaitive 5
- Professionalism in Healthcare 1
- Public Health 2
- STPs 5
- Service reconfiguration 3
- Social Care 1
- The finances of the care home sector 4
- The funding gap 3
- The outsourcing of NHS eye care to the private sector 2
CHPI evidence to the COVID 19 Public Inquiry on the use of the private hospital sector to support the pandemic response
In our evidence we explain how lives could have been saved had the NHS compelled the private hospital sector to support the pandemic response rather than treating thousands of private fee paying patients.
Out of Sight – the hidden impact of cataract outsourcing on NHS eye care departments
This report examines the impact that the impact of the outsourcing of NHS funded cataract care to the private sector has had on NHS patients facing irreversible sight loss, staff training and the financial viability of NHS eye care departments.
Out of Sight - understanding the hidden impact of cataract outsourcing on NHS finances
This briefing note forms part of our wider study into the outsourcing of NHS eye care services to the private sector.
P.F.I. Profiting from Inflation?
New report shows the significant impact of inflation on NHS Trusts with PFI schemes, with large profits and dividend payments continuing to be made by PFI companies.
After the pandemic: is the new public health system in England fit for purpose?
As the current pandemic has shown an effective, well organised accountable public health system is not only key to controlling the spread of a disease – permitting the wider economy and public services to function – but is also vital in addressing growing health inequalities.
Bailed out and burned out? The financial impact of COVID-19 on UK care homes for older people and their workforce
A two year study examining the financial impacts of the pandemic on UK care homes for older people and their staff.
The Devil is in the Detail - NHS England's Contracts with the Private Hospital Sector during COVID
This report analyses the contractual mechanisms of NHSE’s £2bn+ deal with the private hospital sector during COVID, building on our 2021 report ‘For Whose Benefit’ using newly obtained activity data and the contracts themselves.
Mapping joint venture businesses in private healthcare
This analysis maps the network of joint venture businesses between NHS medical consultants and private healthcare companies, building on the CHPI’s 2019 report ‘Pounds for Patients’ which looked at financial incentives and conflicts of interest in the UK’s private healthcare system.
For Whose Benefit? NHS England’s contract with the private hospital sector in the first year of the pandemic
This report analyses the government’s use of the private hospital sector to alleviate the burden on the NHS during the first year of the COVID pandemic.
How well are conflicts of interest managed in local NHS commissioning in England?
This report looks at how changes to the NHS in England over the past decade have created greater risks of abuses of power, and how reforms to local commissioning are exacerbating them. Since 2012, membership organisations made up of General Practitioners (GPs), called Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), have managed most of the NHS’ budget in England. They are responsible for purchasing £78 billion of healthcare services on behalf of the NHS. At the same time, these same GPs are independent contractors to the NHS and are in receipt of around £8.5 billion of NHS funding each year.
Plugging the leaks in the UK care home industry – Strategies for resolving the financial crisis in the residential and nursing home sector
This report identifies where each pound that goes into the care home industry ends up by using a forensic study of the accounts of over 830 adult care home companies, including the 26 largest providers. The companies examined have a combined income of £10.4bn, representing 68% of the total estimated market value for independent providers in 2017.
Pounds for Patients? How the private hospital sector uses financial incentives to win the business of medical consultants
This report has been compiled between May 2018 and May 2019 using publicly available data on the websites of private hospitals, NHS Trusts and Companies House.
Dealing with the legacy of PFI – options for policymakers
This report analyses five options available to policy makers to address the problems caused by existing PFI schemes. For each option, it quantifies its impact and assesses its advantages, disadvantages, and feasibility.
NHS treatment of private patients: the impact on NHS finances and NHS patient care
In this report, we look at the less-than-expected growth in NHS treatment of private patients since the 2012 Health and Social Care Act, and consider whether the practice has been an effective means of generating additional revenues, and how it might impact on the availability of care for NHS patients.
No safety without liability: reforming private hospitals in England after the Ian Paterson scandal
This report sets out a series of recommendations to reform the private hospital sector in England following the Ian Paterson scandal, which left over 500 hundred women who underwent unnecessary breast surgery in two private hospitals maimed and injured.
The failure of privatised adult social care in England: what is to be done?
This report describes the role that privatisation has played in the decline of the provision and quality of adult social care. It outlines a number of reforms which could help reverse the decline in the sector.
How safe are NHS patients in private hospitals: learning from the Care Quality Commission
This report uses findings from the Care Quality Commission’s new inspection regime for private hospitals to show that there continue to be risks to patient safety associated with the distinctive nature of private hospitals in England, compared with the NHS. In addition, the lack of systematic collection and reporting of patient safety data raises questions about the adequacy of the CQC’s new approach to regulating private hospitals.
The return of PFI – will the NHS pay a higher price for new hospitals?
This report analyses the financing structure of the new Private Finance 2 scheme and finds that it is likely to increase costs to the NHS. Restructuring the balance of debt and risk capital would increase the rate of return to private investors by 15% compared to the original Private Finance Initiative.
Getting behind the Curve? Is the NHS ready for pandemic flu?
This report finds that reforms made to the NHS following the Health and Social Care Act of 2012 have impacted upon its ability to deal effectively with a possible flu pandemic.
The future of the NHS? Lessons from the market in social care in England
This report looks at how the market in social care services in England provides the best available example for policy makers of what happens to the quality of care and the terms and conditions of the care workforce when competitive pressures are used to bring about a reduction in the cost of care to the taxpayer. It calls for public debate and the development of informed mitigation strategies to prevent this happening in the new market in the NHS in England.